About Gaia Mouse

After 2 years of an artist’s block, I started this blog in order to explore the nature of creativity, both mine and other people’s.  I believe creativity is the crux of living well. It heals ourselves and our society.  I’m a writer, painter and potter. In my 20s, I was a musician, dancer and choreographer.  In my 30s, I was inspired by my two sons to start practicing martial arts, both aikido and jujitsu. Later in life, I took up tai chi. The martial arts was also a creative effort, as I constantly understood the world in new ways through this complex sensory-motor and meditative activity.  My home is in Baltimore, a city that has adopted me as I’ve adopted it, but I still maintain a strong connection to my native New York City.  No matter where I go or what I am doing, the muse always finds me, but transmutes into many forms like a shapeshifter!


self portrait

crayon on paper   14″x16″

8 thoughts on “About Gaia Mouse

  1. Is this you Barbara? I love it! I didn’t know you write and paint. Wow, I’m very impressed! You are really talented.


  2. Hi Barbara, This is Bonnie checking in at your site. I enjoyed the 5 days together in the Sierra and you and Jill stopping by the nursery. Hope your ride home was uneventful and easy. Enjoyed your page!!!!


    1. I’m glad you enjoyed my page. Your nursery was beautiful with great healing energy. My headache didn’t return. You inspired me to work more on my city garden and continue to plant and nurture flora native to Maryland.


  3. Barbara, I enjoyed our conversation on the beach today. Like minds, etc… I have also enjoyed this visit to your blog. I have tried blogging, but I just can’t seem to keep one going. In any case, I hope that we can meet again and share our thoughts on writing. Perhaps when I come to Baltimore, as I do a few times each year for dental appointments or to see a friend’s production, we can meet for lunch in Fells Point.


    1. Hi Nancy. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to you too. When I get home tomorrow, I will look up your book and probably buy it. I love both serious nonfiction and light literature. I especially love mysteries set in beautiful places I know (Baltimore, beaches, woods, and NYC). Please come visit me in Baltimore. I will send my phone, etc. through our personal emails. so you can get in touch (although I regularly check in at my blog too.) By the way, if you look closely, you’ll see that although I’ve had this blog for about 2 years, I initially tried writing it at least once a month, then dropped it for a bunch of months, started again, and dropped it for a long time. I have only gotten back to it recently, and am attempting to add something at least once a week. Word Press is great about helping one set up a blog easily, and define goals. When I wasn’t meeting goals, they stopped sending notices that reminded me that I was slacking. They’ve been delightful throughout.


  4. We met at Ace yesterday. Climbing rose for my deck in Fed. Hill ? Would like to see your garden. My address is 119 Burnett and retired architect and artist. Possibly meeting this Tuesday or at your convenience. Liked your page!


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